► Follow me! 𝕏 ►► https://x.com/@MichaelNROH 📷 Instagram ►► https://www.instagram.com/@MichaelNROH 🤖 Discord ►► https://discord.gg/ZJVRvj3QGJ #️ Matrix ►► https://matrix.to/#/#michaelnr0h-community:matrix.org ▶️ Second Channel ►► https://youtube.com/Nr0hOfficial ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: Moonlight ►► https://moonlight-stream.org/ Sunshine ►► https://github.com/LizardByte/Sunshine My Dream Setup ►► https://youtu.be/se7gDBq0q8s Server Parts ►► https://amzn.to/43Y7441 (* All Amazon Links are affiliated. That means that I get a small cut of revenue if you buy something, without any additional costs.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎵 Music from StreamBeats by Harris Heller. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapters: 00:00 - Low Latency Remote Desktop 00:49 - What is Moonlight? 03:06 - Hosting a Moonlight session 03:42 - Sunshine, a Moonlight hosting service 04:07 - How to configure Sunshine 05:35 - How I use Moonlight with Sunshine 06:14 - Some minor details 07:19 - The End? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description Tags: moonlight, moonlight streaming, how to stream your pc to your tv, how to stream your pc to your xbox, how to stream your pc to your phone, stream your pc, stream your pc low latency, parsec, remote desktop gaming, sunshine moonlight streaming, sunshine moonlight settings, micahel horn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hashtags